
Almost 80 percent of undergraduate students take advantage of DU’s amazing study abroad opportunities. Studying abroad is a great way to gain global perspectives 和 develop professional skills. The Center for 可持续性 encourages students to 考虑 how their time abroad impacts the environment.

10% of DU's carbon footprint comes from Study Abroad

600% Flights create 600% more carbon emissions than driving

$30 is enough to offset most study abroad trips' carbon emissions


Consider some ways to make your time abroad more sustainable:

  • 绿色护照承诺, which will encourage you to think about your daily actions 和 how they will affect the environment around you. Even though you are in a completely new place, 许多好的方面, sustainable habits you have built here in Denver will still make great choices abroad.
  • Take some time to learn about the local food systems of your host country 和 what it means to keep a more sustainable diet there. In some countries that might mean reducing your meat intake 和 replacing it with locally grown vegetables, while in other countries that might mean taking advantage of sustainably raised meat from nearby ranches.
  • 学习其他的出行方式! Transit options will vary widely depending on where you are studying abroad, but getting to know what your options are will open up a huge number of opportunities to explore while keeping your carbon footprint lower. 在一些城市, a bike will be a fantastic way to get around, while trains 和 buses will help you get further afield. Avoiding cars 和 planes will be the best way to keep your personal emissions lower, 但如果你必须要用这些, 考虑 抵消这些排放 也!
  • 拥抱极简主义的生活方式! Going abroad means that you often have to be really picky about the few items that will come with you in your backpack or suitcase. You may have to buy some items that wouldn’t fit in your luggage when you arrive, 但是要尽量使用这些物品, 和 try to find a home for those items before you head home. Try to avoid buying new items that you know you will not be bringing home with you! 更好的是, see what it feels like to get by with just the items you brought with you in the first place.


With so many 项目 和 locations to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect fit for your interests, 目标, 和需要! 正规赌博十大平台排行办公室提供 许多项目 for undergraduates to study 和 practice sustainability. University Academic Programs 和 departments across campus also have short-term 和 DU faculty-led options.

Each opportunity touches on different aspects of sustainability, from classroom learning to research 和 extracurricular activities. Past sustainability students have loved the 项目 below. Program availability 和 structure can change. 搜索程序在DU护照 有关当前详情.

  • SIT Programs (School for International Training)
    A study abroad student sitting with an elderly woman from Ecuador

    为了我的独立研究项目, I studied forest recovery based on different reforestation practices in a high montane cloud forest. I also kept a blog while abroad with plenty of stories 和 pictures to provide a better idea of all I did! 来看看.

    Halle Brown, SIT: Ecuador - Comparative Ecology & 保护(2019年秋季)

  • MSID Programs (Minnesota Studies in International Development)
    A study abroad student petting a goat in a green field

    MSID: Ecuador offered me a look into the intersection of international development 和 sustainability. I was able to create relationships with people in a completely different part of the world where I was able to practice Spanish, 学习新的文化, 和 develop a global perspective on how everything is connected in the social, 经济, 以及可持续发展的环境方面.

    Grace Houser, MSID: International Development in Ecuador (Fall 2018)

  • 阿卡迪亚:Umbra研究所
    A study abroad student st和ing in front of a lush greenery

    我在佩鲁贾的时光令人难以置信! The 食物 Studies program allowed me to focus on my 可持续性 minor 和 connect it to a passion of mine: food 和 cooking. 在我的课堂上, 我学了基本的意大利语, 食品历史, 政治与移民, 可持续农业, what makes a restaurant experience truly authentically Italian, 还有更多."

    索菲亚·安那,美食 & 可持续发展研究(2018年秋季)